Ireland weather, what to expect?

"There's no place like Ireland when you get the weather" is practically a term of endearment here in Ireland which certainly held true last year, when we had the best summer in donkeys years in 2014. Work came to a halt with people flocking to the beaches, that at other times would give you frost bite in July! Ireland was at her best with clear blue sky back drops to our world famous scenery, it was heaven on earth...Highlights for me were reaching islands like Tory and the Great Blaskets and swimming on beaches like Ballymastocker in Donegal rated 2nd best (cheek) in the world. By the way, did you know that they have a beach for everday of the year up there....mind you you would be hard pressed to beat the likes of Keel, Keem or Dugort on Achill Island....

Dugort Beach, Achill Island, County Mayo

But please, DON'T COME TO IRELAND IN THE DEAD OF WINTER, or you will only have yourselves to blame. Regardless of ‘whether’ the airfares are at rock bottom, the ‘weather’ can be pure miserable which is downright depressing. Sure, you can be pure lucky and get what we call a pet day, a once off warm, bright, sunny day in the middle of winter but, they are as rare as hen’s teeth! 82% of visitors understandably, come to Ireland for the scenery but do you really want to see the black and white version through a haze of fog, rain and down to the decks cloud? Worse still, the best scenery is obviously in the remotest of places, where the majority of hotels, guesthouses, restaurants and visitor attractions close down from the end of October to the middle of March, at least. My advice, postpone your trip till the Spring at least, when the days are longer, warmer and brighter and we are geared up to cater for you...

Doolin, County Clare Winter Storms

Ireland weather is generally very mild but changeable, to say the least, often on a daily or even an hourly basis! But the flip side is, we do not get extremes, it is never too hot or too cold. The average temperature is about 9 degrees celsius, with summer highs of 20+ and winter lows of -5 at night. The best months for sunshine are usually May, June and September, last year was exceptional so we will be hoping for a repeat this year in 2014 only then we will have the farmers complaining, because they love rain and besides we need the rain to retain our famous forty shades of green which wouldn't exist in a drought. We have even developed our own vocabulary or 'excuse' for it. A wet day is known as a soft day regardless of whether (lol) it is a light mist or the kind of horizontal stuff that batters us from the Atlantic with brief interludes such as? The occasional perfectly still, warm and sunny day we sometimes get in the middle of winter which is called a pet day when all is well with ourselves, our neighbours and the Universe in general....

Ireland Weather - cutting silage

Note it is called a pet day as in singular, as we seldom get two in a row, which is not the case with another favourite Ireland weather term it's a day for the high stool. Which means that the weather is going to be so cold, wet and miserable (and it could go on for weeks) that you have no choice but to head for the pub ! Which is where we could be all headed shortly if the rain does not let up? For a more optimistic outlook check out the Irish Weather Online Facebook page which is excellent, and where you will also find great photos posted daily from all over Ireland. Plus all the associated caint (chat) and up-to-the-minute Ireland weather reports for whatever part of Ireland you are in or intend visiting.

Regardless of when you choose to come to Ireland, my advice is to pack a rainproof jacket and or lightweight fleece, you can always get wellies or flipflops while you are here! Or indeed, a nice traditional, hand knitted Aran jumper to look the part or get spotted as a tourist 10 miles off....

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