Guided Tours of Ireland's Hidden Gems 2025

Guided Tours of Scotland's Hidden Gems 2025

Early Bird Discount of €450 per person on all bookings made before the 31st of August 2024

Tour Ireland with susan byron

There are many different ways you can Tour Ireland but the most popular by far are independently, by hiring a rental car or being chauffeur driven (which costs a small fortune) or by going on a Guided Tour of Ireland with Susan Byron. Relying on public transport isn’t really an option, as outside of the main cities of Dublin, Cork and Galway, the connections to the more rural locations (where all the best scenery is) are sparse or non existent. Sorry to be so blunt, but I am telling you the truth, for example I live in New Quay in County Clare, which is about 25 kms from Galway, a fairly major city on the West Coast of Ireland. But, still there are only two return bus services a day and that’s on the main (and very busy tourist route) to Doolin and the Cliffs of Moher.... 

Tour IrelandTour Ireland

tour Ireland by rental CAr

So, most independent travellers hire a rental car so that they can get to wherever they want to go. with the added bonus of  being able to stop up and take photographs or have coffee or lunch if and whenever they fancy en route.  Which is exactly how it should be like on a vacation, laid back and easy going, but a lot of people get themselves into a knot of nerves and stress re driving on the wrong side of the road, coupled with the narrowness of some of the roads, not to mention stick shifts (automatics are available) and / or getting lost! Did I forget to mention wi-fi isn't the best in rural areas either, so you wouldn’t want to be relying on Google maps if you can’t get a signal on your smart phone or tablet.....

Gap of Dunloe, Killarney, County KerryGap of Dunloe, Killarney, County Kerry

guided Tour Ireland

So, the other option then is to on a Guided Tour of Ireland but which one? Well if very much depends on your age bracket, the amount of time you have and what you are interested in seeing and doing and your budget, of course. A lot of the big bus tours tend to cover a ridiculous amount of ground, ticking too many boxes in too short a time, leaving the already weary, traveller exhausted and a tad disappointed. As very often what they have come to Ireland for, apart from admiring the scenery, is to experience some of our culture preferably in the company of locals. I have created dozens of tailor made itineraries for countless clients over the years with the most stunning scenery, fabulous accommodation, interesting places to see and things to do, but what I have been told over and over again by my clients is that what they enjoyed the most were the opportunities I had factored in for them to meet with the locals. Whether it was a coastal walk with a local guide, a traditional music session in one of the many wonderful pubs throughout Ireland or backstage with the cast of River Dance in Galway at Trad on the Prom....

River Dance performers Trad on the Prom Galway.River Dance performers Trad on the Prom Galway.

Which all goes by way of introduction to my own Guided Tours of Ireland which are proving to be wildly scenic, historically interesting and highly entertaining but most importantly, an authentic experience of Ireland for those who joined me in 2017 and 2018 and anybody intending to travel with me in the future. The new tour dates have been posted for 2019 and you can find out all the information you will need at the following link Guided Tours of Ireland 2019.

tour Ireland dAtes & Prices

Tour Dates and Prices 2019

May 18th - 2nd June €4950 

June 15th - 30th €4950

September 7th -22nd €4950

The above tour price includes all accommodation, food, visitor attractions & special events, government taxes, charges & gratuities, but excludes flights. 

Early bird discount as follows :-

€450 per person for bookings made before the 31st August 2018

Prices quoted are per person sharing, single supplement €1000 with a maximum of 22 people per tour. If you would like details of the full itinerary, please complete the following form and I will send it to you straight away, all the best Susan

Don't forget if you have any queries about any of the above you can always send me and email via the following link all the best Susan

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Tour Scotland in 2024 with Susan Byron

Irelands Hidden Gems

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