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Budget Accomodation in IrelandBudget accomodation is widely available in Ireland, there are lots of fabulous 4 star hotels scattered throughout the country offering really good value now. Bed & Breakfast accomodation is a friendlier option and one that we have a long tradition of in Ireland, where you get to stay with a proper family and join in with their lifestle be it rural or city style for a couple of days. Breakfast is the operative word and will definitely set you up for the day.
![]() Self catering is another great option particularly for families or big groups who need space to hang out, or for joint dining experiences. We have all sorts, from quaint country cottages with rose trimmed doorways to ultra modern city centre pieds-a-terres or you can even stay somewhere really special like in a lighthouse or castle. Check out these very special self catering gems Or if you are on foot, cycling or motor-biking there are plenty of hostels and campsites in great locations which are always going to be fun as you get to meet plenty of like minded individuals from all over the world. Motorhomes have become very popular in the last few years, annoying if you get stuck behind one on a narrow road of course, but it means you can more or less pitch up anywhere remote and stay the night but always ask if in doubt or out of courtesy. 9 times out of 10 you will be made most welcome and given access to fresh water and free travel advice. The following webpages give further advice on the above options
For more information on Bed & Breakfast accomodation click here
For more information on Hostels click here For more information on Self-Catering click here For more information on Camp/Caravan sites click here For more information on Budget Hotels click here ![]() |